Thursday, July 28, 2011

First week back on German Soil

August 2010

My thinking behind returning to Germany in August was that I thought that at least while I was unemployed and feeling depressiv because of being unemployed at least I could enjoy the German summer of 25+ degrees. Lying in the garden, listening to the birds, our neighbours child screaming and the building works on the former allotments opposite while sipping a cool Pimms & Lemonade (so I wouldn't feel homesick) and slowly aclimatise to the German way of life again. Now that sounded like a good plan. But no it came slightly different than expected - as always.

When I stepped of the plane  greeted by friends and family it still hadn't hit me that I was returning for good. It rather felt like going on another short summerholiday.

The next morning though, after I woke up and unpacked my things from my suitcases, it dawned on me that this might be a longer stay than my usual one week break. I also remembered that my boxed had also been delivered. And there they were, neatly piled up in the cellar room next door. Not quite the square shape as I remembered them to be (and all boxed tend to have before they get tossed and kicked about). These 8 boxes contained 10 years of living in England - 1/3 of my life - I wasn't sure what to think of it - bit depressing that so little came of with me. I guess squeezing all my friends into the boxes might have gotten me in trouble with customs. (mh could have been worth a try though). Also due to living in flatshares all this time, I never accumulated any furniture. Lucky most flats in the UK came furnished packed with second-hand, handed down, 10 year old furniture that never anyone thought of replacing.

(oh yes I was living in the cellar - my old room had long been transformed into an office/walk-in cupboard/fitness room - but I guess this happens after 10 years away). 

And, I seemed to had brought back the English weather - or maybe it thought it would be a good idea to follow me home so I wouldn't miss England so much or it wanted to match my mood. Yes, I have to admit that I was feeling down and slightly miserable for knowing that I have closed a massive chapter of my life but on the same side was looking forward to a new beginning new adventure and my friends and family where enjoying to have me back.

So who needs good weather when you can just go from having coffee and cake at one friends house to having coffee and cake at another family's house :) Although I don't like coffee - still a tea drinker - I had more cake to compensate for that fact.

Well, I am sure I could wait for a reality a bit longer before it was going to hit me and hold of looking for a job for a bit longer. I was very much in need of a two week break from all that stress of packing, leaving dos and saying my Bye Byes.

So Germany I am back - so show me what I have missed!!! (and a bit of sun wouldn't have been too bad)


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