Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How it all began!

Once upon a time....

no just kidding, don't want to go back that far. But I do need to go back a couple of years to the year 2000. It all started with a little obsession with England through a number of trips to the island, and when the time came to leave school and I didn't have an apprenticeship (I was very shy back then) or a clue what to study, I decided to do a year as an Au Pair in England. An island which is not to far from home, where I had learned the language at school since the 5th grade and I had worked with kids and organized summer camps. The best of all they would pay you 150 DM (or a total of 50 quid) for a weeks work for which you could live quite comfortably for a week in Germany. Gosh was I in for a shock!!!

Most of my friends were quite surprised and building my confidence by saying things like: "Are you mad?" "Can't you remember the type of food they serve for breakfast" "How are you going to cope with their sense of humour?" "What about the language barrier?" (I always had a C or D in Englisch) "What about your friends?" "How are you going to meet new people?" (- come to think of it I got asked exactly the same questions when I left England in August 2010).

On the first day I arrived (and the first weeks to come), I was amazed by how little I understood and how unrealistic clear the pronouncation on english tapes is that you listen to in lessons. I learned to communicate with my hands and feet (good skill to have) and hope to be able to nod and say yes in the right places.

But with the right friends, adult education centres and lots and lots of practising to discuss things with two young boys my english improved as did my love for the country. The year was almost up and I was ready to pack up and go home... but then during a fateful Easter Sunday lunch with another German AuPair and by then a good friend of mine, we enjoyed the food and a good bottle (or two) of wine and decided how fab it would be to stay another year! Brilliant idea! Done! This is the reason how from the decision to stay for one year it turned into 10! Maybe the health advisors are right alcohol is not good for you. So we moved in together and stayed for another year. Then I met someone and decided to study in London and also moved there. Then found a great job and stayed even longer... and 2010 I was still there. Enjoying London, the Internationality, my friends, the opportunities, the buzzing nightlife. But still I started to feel homesick. Missed my family, who only saw me 3 times max a year. In my last year, on the island I attended far too many leaving dos of far to good friends of mine. The recession cut our workforce by 2/3rds so atmosphere at work wasn't great either... and many other factors ... which I don't want to list here as I don't want to bore you... ok I have to mention one more. Cheaper rents!! I finally wanted to live by myself! No more flatsharing!

My final decision to move back home came as sudden as did the decision to stay. I was sitting on a train back to London from a meeting in our other office in North England and decided then and there that I would move on the 5.8.2011. That train ride was in April.

So I told my friends who only with a major persuasion started talking to me again. I told my boss who only with major persuasion stopped chasing me around the room with the computer keyboard. So I told the job centre that I would be returning who didn't quite know how to deal with me. And I told my friends and family here in Germany who couldn't wait for the day to come and pick me up from the airport.

Then my last day at work came.
Then my last training with my volleyball team came.
Then my last rounds of coffees and dinners with my friends came.
Then the day of my leaving do came around.
Then my last night in the flat came.
Then my last day in London came.
Then my first day back in Germany came...


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